The 6th-7th-8th corridor of Pasatiempo is a stretch of the golf course that is nothing to brag about. From an architectural standpoint, the trees that line this area of the golf course completely ruin the intended architecture. The 7th hole is a short par-4 but the tee shot is visually intimidating as a long line of massive cypress trees create a tunnel vision effect in ones mind. For several years, most tree work in this area has been delayed or pushed back. However, the aging trees have created a significant shade issue and a potential safety issue with many broken limbs. From a playability standpoint, the low hanging limbs were impacting golf shots and making the short par-4 play much more difficult. During the week of November 14th, the golf course was closed due to aeration of greens, tees, and fairways. It also was an opportune time to complete a massive trimming project in this area without having players to work around. 24-cypress trees were limb up 50-feet and the lateral growth was removed. This has dramatically changed the view from the tee, the overall playability of the 6th and 7th holes, and has substantially increased the amount of sunlight affecting the 8th green along with the fairways in this area. No trees were removed during this phase of the project, but there is the possibility of taking some trees out in the future to really improve this area of the golf course.
View from the 7th tee prior to the beginning of the tree work. Notice the amount of the shade impacting this area along with the "tunnel vision" effect. |
The 8th green complex with shade covering the green. Once the tree work is done, the goal is to dramatically increase the amount of sunlight affecting this green.
Late afternoon view of the tree work that has eliminated a "wall" of green and will allow much needed sunlight to hit the 8th green during the winter months. |
Day two of the thinning and trimming process. Notice the two trees on the right side that were not done. More sunlight...more air movement...better turfgrass and better playability. |
that is absolutely beautiful landscape..