Friday, February 5, 2010

El Nino Wreaking Havoc

Over the past week we have witnessed fairly dry weather for the most part, despite the nearly two-inches that fell last night.  With the break in the rain the maintenance crew has been able to catch up on most of the mowing and clean-up following the ten inches of rain that fell during the last half of January.  One area that remains an issue is the bunkers, which we oftentimes forget are hazards.  Due to the vast amount of damage that was caused during our last series of storms, as well as the ongoing sub-surface irrigation installation around the bunkers they are not in as good of shape as during the prime golfing season.  For our golf course maintenance staff it becomes a “catch 22” because when we rake the bunkers the sand becomes fluffed up and much more mobile, therefore eroding more severely when it rains causing us to have to spend valuable time and resources in repairing these areas only to watch them wash away with the next rain.  However, when the bunkers are not raked as often they will become compacted by the rain and somewhat unsightly.  As the irrigation installers make progress on the subsurface system, and we feel that we will not be wasting time or resources, and the maintenance crew will follow behind the irrigation crew and edge, cleaning, and then add new white sand to the bunkers as we prepare for the upcoming season.  Moving forward, you should recognize improvements in this aspect of the golf course’s maintenance program, primarily based simply on the optimal weather that accompanies the spring season.  Rest assured that we are doing our very best to produce a high quality product on a daily basis for our members and guests while at the same time responsibly manage the funds and resources that we have available to us with regard to the bunkers.

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